Making inferences

Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.  Until this century, adult ADHD was a seldom-diagnosed disorder. Nowadays however, it’s common in mainstream medicine in the USA, a paradigm shift apparently driven by two factors:...

OET Reading Part A Scanning

This activity provides practice in scanning for words. You must find the words as quickly as you can. Keep going until you have identified all five words under one minute. 1. 2....


do this exercise before reading the next paragraph do this exercise before reading the next paragraph do this exercise before reading the next...

Dealing with multiple text

London’s Markets A Brick Lane Market The Spitalfields area has become much wealthier over the last few years, resulting in this chaotic, uncontrolled market becoming a lot more ordered. However, you’ll still find a massive range of goods on sale at this...
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