Reading Passage 3 by Admin | Jan 9, 2020 The following questions relate to Reading Passage 3 1. How many tasks are there usually in this part? One Usually two or three 2. Does each task have the same number of questions? Yes No 3. How long should you spend on this passage? 15 minutes 18 minutes 20 minutes 4. In Yes/No/Not Given, what do the statements focus on? Writer's opinions and ideas facts and specific information 5. In Yes/No/Not Given, should you worry about words you don't understand? Yes No 6. In Yes/No/Not Given, are the statements in the same order as the text? Yes No 7. In Yes/No/Not Given, what will you do before you look for the answers? Underline the important words in the questions Read the entire text in detail 8. In Multiple Choice, how many correct options are there for each question? One Two All options can be correct 9. Are the questions in the same order as the ideas in the text? Yes No 10. Should you read and answer each multiple choice question in turn? Yes No 11. How much of the text should you read for each multiple choice question? (up to) a paragraph the entire text 12. Can you answer the questions using your general knowledge? Yes No 13. In Matching Sentence Endings, is the information in one part of the passage only? Yes No 14. Are the sentence beginnings in the same order as the information in the text? Yes No 15. Can you use a sentence ending more than once? Yes No Time's up Related