OET Reading Part C Test Format

At the end of the unit, the learner will be able to list the key features of reading part C understand the message the writer is trying to communicate in the text by careful and detailed reading use text features to determine relationship between ideas use context to...

Identifying attitude and opinion

Following statements answer the questions below. Each statement expresses different attitude. Which statement is critical, cynical, doubtful, optimistic and sympathetic? v Do you believe the COVID-19 situation will have a lasting impact on the field of...

Reading Part C Guided Practice

How to answer Reading Part C   Step 1: Read the question or sentence stem carefully Step 2: Read the options and notice the differences Step 3: Read the paragraph carefully Step 4: Eliminate any answers which are definitely incorrect Step 5: Be careful of...

Cohesive features of text comprehension 2

Read the text carefully. Complete the set of tasks for each paragraph. Check your answer first before proceeding to the next task.   Get Fat by Dieting Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 &...

Reading Part B Guided Practice

How to answer Reading Part B   Step 1: Read the question stem and identify the purpose/focus of your reading Step 2: Read the paragraph. Identify the main idea and/or key information. Step 3: Read the options and identify the keywords.  Step 4: Choose the answer...
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