Making comparisons When you describe tables or charts in task 1, you will almost certainly need to make comparisons between values. Here are some useful phrases for comparing values. Put each phrase into the correct group. as many as far fewer far less ...
Review: Identify key features The graph below shows the number of university graduates in Canada from 1992 to 2006. We start task 1 by answering these questions: What does the graph show? What are main features? The graph gives information about how many male and...
Describing figures It was possible to describe a graph without stating exact figures. You can also use approximate phrases and fractions. Rephrase sentences 1-3 using the expression below. just over/ under more/less than...
What are keys features? Key features are the most noticeable, significant facts contained in the graph. You should select at least three key features, which will form the basis of your answer. Do not try mention everything. Look at the graph again and complete this...
What is an overview? An overview is usually one or two sentences summarizing the general trends or information given in the graph, chart or diagram. The overview can come at the beginning, or at the end of your essay. Example Overview: Some of the sports played...