A. Look at the four tables below. These show demographic trends in four different countries between 1996 and 2000. The numbers on the left and right of each table show the number of people in hundred thousands. Using the information in these tables, match sentences...
Summary completion with a box You complete the gaps in the summary by choosing the correct answer from a box of options. The options are usually single words but they may be short phrases. There will be some extra words in the box that you do not need to use. The...
Summary completion You complete the summary by writing no more than three words and/or a number from the passage in each gap. The summary may cover the ideas in the whole passage or may be based on a section of the passage only. You may be told which part it relates...
Paragraph headings You choose the correct heading for each paragraph from a list of headings. There are always more headings than you need, so you will not need to use them all. You will never need to use a heading more than once. There may be some example headings...
Multiple choice You choose to correct answer from four options (A, B, C or D). There are two types of multiple choice questions. Type 1 is a question followed by four possible options (which may or may not be full sentences) and Type 2 is an unfinished statement...