Listening Section 1 by Eden | Dec 28, 2019 The following questions and statements relate to Listening Part 1 and Note completion question type 1. How many speakers will you hear? 1 2 3 or more 2. How many times will you hear the recording? Once Twice 3. How many questions do you have to answer? 40 20 10 4. Does each task in this section have the same number of questions? Yes, always No, not necessarily 5. Is there an example answer? Yes No 6. What information do you have to listen for in Part 1? Specific information (e.g. dates, everyday objects, places, etc. and spelling) Main idea of an academic lecture Follow a talk about a general topic 7. Do you have to write the exact words you hear? Yes No 8. Is spelling important in Part 1? No, what is important is that you got the correct answer Yes, you must spell your answers correctly. 9. When do you transfer you answers to the answer sheet? At the end of the Listening test, after Part 4 Right after part 1 is finished 10. The instructions will tell you how many words to write. Yes No 11. Do you have time to look at the task before you hear the recording? Yes No 12. How can you lose marks in this task? By writing too many words By spelling incorrectly By not writing exactly the words you hear By leaving a gap empty All of the above Time's up Related