Reading Passage 1 by Eden | Dec 28, 2019 The follow questions relate to Reading Passage 1 and True, False, Not Given task type. 1. How many questions do you have to answer? 10 13 40 2. Does each task have the same number of questions? Yes No 3. How long should you spend on this passage? 15 to 20 minutes 20 minutes more than 20 minutes 4. Will the questions focus on author opinion or factual information? Author opinion Factual information 5. Are the questions in the same order as the information you need in the text? Yes, they are in the same order. No 6. Will there always be at least one True, one False and one Not given answer? Yes No 7. Is there an answer in every paragraph? Yes No 8. Before looking for the answers, you need to underline the important words in the question. True False Time's up Related