The following is a list of some cause and effect words:
affect the outcome of
the effect of… is… owing to
have an effect on prompt
the aim of provoke
arise from result from
arise out of result in
as as a result
because as a result of
because of the purpose of
cause the reason for… is…
the cause of… is… since
consequently so
as a consequence so that
as a consequence of spark (off)
the consequence of a… is… stem from
due to therefore
ensue thus
for the upshot of
give rise to
Note Notice the spelling difference the noun effect and the verb effect. For is a coordinator in this case and should not be confused with the preposition for, which has a different meaning.
Cause and effect pattern:
The effect of C is E.
C affects (V) E.
C has (V) an effect on E.
The aim of C is E
E arises from(V) C.
As C, E. (or E, as C)
Because C, E. (E because C)
Because of C, E, C gives rise to (V) E.
C causes (V) E.
The cause of E is C.
C; consequently, E.
C; as a consequence, E.
As a consequence of C, E.
The consequence of C is E.
C; as a result, E.
As a result of C, E.
E results from (V) C.
C results in (V) E.
Due to C, E.
E ensures (V).
C generates (V) E.
The upshot of C is E.
C; hence, E.
C motivates (V) E.
The outcome of C is E.
Owing to C, E. (or E owing to C)
C prompted (V) E.
C provoked (V) E.
The purpose of C is E.
The reason for E is C.
Since C, E (or E, since C)
C, so E.
C, so that E.
C sparked (off) (V) E.
E stems from C.
C; therefore, E.
C; thus, E.
(V) indicates that this cause and effect word is a verb and needs to change tense and subject-verb agreement appropriately.
Affect does not tell us the effect, it tells us that the object changed because of the cause. It does not tell us how it changed.
Ensue is tells us what the effect of a cause is. The cause must be stated in a previous clause or sentence.