The following questions relates to Listening Part 3 1. Is the topic about academic situations or is it more general? Academic General 2. How many speakers are there? 1-2 speakers 2-4 speakers 3. How many times do you hear the recording? Once Twice 4. How many...
The following questions relate to Listening Part 2 1. How many speakers will you hear? 1 2 1 or 2 2. How many times will you hear the recording? Once Twice 3. How many tasks are there usually? One Two 4. How many questions do you have to answer? 10 40 5 5. Does each...
The following questions and statements relate to Listening Part 1 and Note completion question type 1. How many speakers will you hear? 1 2 3 or more 2. How many times will you hear the recording? Once Twice 3. How many questions do you have to answer? 40 20 10 4....
Which part of the essay... contains series of sentences that supports main idea Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion gives examples or explanations Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion has a thesis statement Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion has a topic...